Drawing on diverse inspirations such as television, online trolling, academic theory, and literature, (L) AUTRE juxtaposes intense outbursts of anger with mysterious predictions from an inept clairvoyant, while David Patrick Kelley deftly wheels a deck of cards alongside a haunting bass flute solo.
In this new project lovemusic delve into the concept of otherness - the state of being different and foreign to one's identity, labelling individuals as subordinate and excluding them from social norms. The starting point for this project was a collaboration with Sasha Blondeau on a new work Autres inapproprié•es which forms part of their new cycle of works "Devenir|s mutant es". Referencing Trinh Minh-ha's theory and Donna Haraway's Cyborg concept this new work questions identity and difference. Works by Neil Luck, Ann Cleare, and Bára Gísladóttir explore themes ranging from acting to meditations on self and the power of anonymity while Finbar Hosie's The Hyacinth Garden, through vignettes of T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land, explores disillusionment in the society we live in. (L) AUTRE begins with a new installation/performance work by Lara Gallagher exploring the interrelationship between corporeality and water, utilising sound to connect and create, inspired by an Irish myth of marginalised white foals leaping into the sea.
Saturday 6/4/23, 8pm
Duration, 75mins
Tickets: €16/14
Sasha Blondeau • Autres inapproprié•es* • flute, clarinet, viola, cello, e-guitar and electronics (2024)
Neil Luck • Deepy Kaye • performer, viola, cello and video (2018)
Ann Cleare • eyam iii (if it’s living somewhere outside of you) • bass flute & shadow instruments (2015)
Bára Gísladóttir • Rage against reply guy, • bass clarinet, violin, cello, e-guitar and electronics (2021)
Finbar Hosie • The Hyacinth Garden* • performer, clarinet, viola, e-guitar, electronics and lights (2023)
Lara Gallagher • Leap of Foals’ (Aill na Searrach as Gaeilge)* • installation / performance work in collaboration with lovemusic (2024)
* commissioned by lovemusic, premiere
Emiliano Gavito, flute/performer
Adam Starke, clarinet
Emily Yabe, violin/viola
Lola Malique, cello
Christian Lozano Sedano, e-guitar
Finbar Hosie, electronics
Funded by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation